
Linear heat detection sensor cables

Linear Heat Detection Sensor Cable

Luna provides the appropriate sensor cable for every application and when working with us we will help you pinpoint the exact cable design and installation appropriate for your project. Read more

Charon visualization and monitoring software

Charon is the software that binds all sensing data together in one platform. Compatible with all Luna sensing products and a range of third party sensors, Charon can combine data from multiple sources and store them in a common SQL database. From the database, the sensing data can be presented both visually in one big overview where you can quickly get a status on the entire installation being monitored, or split up in graphs, tables or any other format you may want. Read more

DTS sensor cable

EN.SURE sensor cables

The passive and maintenance-free fibre optic sensor cable is the basis for the EN.SURE real time condition monitoring solution, either integrated directly inside an insulated high voltage underground cable (for instance FIMT, fibre in metal tube) or mounted externally on the cable jacket or installed in a separate duct close to the power cable. Read more

Fiber in metal tube

Fiber in Metal Tube (FIMT)

More than 5,000 Luna sensing systems based on optical fiber sensors are installed worldwide. The systems use optical fibers as line-shaped sensors. To protect the fiber from environmental impacts, it is surrounded by a stainless-steel tube. Such a fiber is called FIMT (Fiber In Metal Tube). Read more