LIOS DTS technology is being used for the OCP system to protect the integrity of the refractory lining of two 2.5-tonne vacuum-type coreless induction furnaces used for melting copper pre-alloys. These particular furnaces are operated in three-shifts to produce copper-iron pre-alloys. Such alloys pose exacting demands on the crucible material due to their aggressive chemical characteristics and fluidity. The tapping temperature is in the region of 1500 °C.
- 1 OTS20P Controller, 2 channel fiber switch
- Simultaneous monitoring of two 2.5 t furnaces (1200 kW, 200 Hz)
- Connected to the JOKS-visualisation system via a serial interface.
- High precision measurement with 27 cm spatial resolution and less than 1 K temperature accuracy.
- 2 x 60 m OCP sensor cable installed meander wise in two levels (top and bottom)
- 2 x 20 m supply cable
April 2004
Over a span of a few charges, oven temperatures increasing from one charge to the next were identified in a specific position, and the system eventually generated alarms of the “deviation from average” type. The crucible was broken out, and a crack was found at this point which had allowed the melt to infiltrate the ramming compound.
Once a critical maximum temperature had been identified over several crucible campaigns, the OCP system was used as an indicator to identify the need for a scheduled re-lining.