LIOS Technology is pleased to cordially invite you to attend the CIGRE 2016 Technical Exhibition in Paris:
International Council on Large Electric Systems
Technical Exhibition LIOS booth 243
22 – 26 AUGUST 2016, Palais des Congres de Paris, Paris, France
The CIGRE Session and its Technical Exhibition bring together more than 8500 senior executives, engineers and experts from the worlwide Power Industry.
LIOS Technology presents its EN.SURE DTS generation for Distributed Temperature Monitoring of Energy Transmission and Distribution Systems.
LIOS EN.SURE offers exact dynamic cable rating based on the real time temperature measurements along the entire cable circuit.
One single EN.SURE evaluation unit provides fast temperature sensing profiles with high spatial resolution along the optical fibre routes with monitoring ranges up to 70km per channel (see related press release for offshore wind farm project by TenneT). It is the first maintenance free DTS which comes without any moving parts like fans or shutters.
The CIGRE Session provides a unique opportunity to listen to contributions from international senior executives as well as experts and specialists through official presentations, panel discussions, technical meetings and poster sessions. The Session also offers a social program starting with a welcome drink (which includes coffee breaks) to engage further discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.
In parallel of the Session, a Technical Exhibition is held in the same location on levels 1, 2 and 3. The exhibition offers the opportunity to all visitors, including CIGRE delegates, to discover new services, tools, equipment and materials as well as the most advanced technologies in the field of power systems.
» Register online for CIGRE Session 46 (technical exhibition included)
» Register online for CIGRE Technical Exhibition
More about CIGRE
CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems) is a permanent non-government and non profit-making international association which was founded in 1921, in France.
CIGRE is the worldwide forum for the professionals of the Electrical Power Industry: 7400 members in around 90 countries, 6279 individual members and 1136 collective members (companies, Educational/research bodies). The total number of equivalent members is more than 14000.
All key actors in Power Systems, i.e. producers, system operators, traders, equipment manufacturers, regulators, laboratories, academics and consultants work together and share expertise to produce and deliver unbiased high-quality technical information in support of industry needs.
Through CIGRE conferences, publications and technical exhibition, professionals can access up-to-date information on the evolution and the latest technical innovations related to the electric power systems and covering issues related to projects, design, construction, operation, maintenance and life expectancy.
4 main strategic directions for CIGRE technical activities
- The Electrical Power System of the Future: super grids, smart grids…
- Making best use of the existing power system
- Focus on environment and sustainability
- Communication on power system issues to the audience
Scopes of 16 CIGRE Study Committees
- Rotating Electrical Machines Transformers
- High Voltage Equipment
- Insulated Cables
- Overhead lines
- Substations
- HVDC and Power Electronics
- Protection and Automation
- System Development and Economics
- System Operation and Control
- System Environmental Performance
- System Technical Performance
- Electricity Markets and Regulation
- Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation
- Materials and Emerging Test Techniques
- Information Systems and Telecommunication